"It takes two to make an accident."
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"You're a rotten driver," I protested. "Either you should be more careful, or you shouldn't drive at all."
"I am careful."
"No, you're not."
"Well, other people are," she said lightly.
"What's that got to do with it?"
"They'll keep out of my way," she insisted. "It takes two to make an accident."
It indeed does. Even in situations where you think that you are the only one responsible for a certain incident, there is always but always a partner in crime.
Us, humans, we love being the centre of attention. We love exaggerating. The person who says that he doesn't overthink is nothing but a liar- because I know, even the most careless ones among us go through those self-interrogating nights, right before closing down their eyelids for the day.
We love exaggerating, the good and the bad. When something is good, it's really good and equally, when something is bad… It is a tragedy. As a constant sufferer of the modern disease of over thinking, I came to the conclusion that dear Fitzgerald came decades ago;
It takes two to make an accident.
The number "two" can increase.
The "accident" can be replaced with "incident" - because I believe, it also takes two (or more) to make good things happen too.
You are not the only responsible party in any situation.
You should not be blamed alone for accidents nor should be blessed alone for making great things happen.
I like to remind myself this thought every so often, in order to keep calm in rather "tragic" situations and to keep my feet on the ground, when I tend to feel like I have a Solar System of my own.
And right now, great things are happening. This, being one of the many of them.
And I know, that this marvellous Solar System is not only of my own and indeed, I'm sharing it with the most precious person I have ever known. The same person who encouraged me in many aspects and encourages me even now, while I'm writing these lines. And by this way, I know that humanbeings' beloved exaggerated tragedies or spoilt selfishness over great achievements will not affect me.
You know why?
Because it took/it is taking/it will take two to make my beautiful accidents.
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