7 Signs That It Is End of Exams
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The most obvious sign: I started writing again! It is that holy time of the year again; exams are done and summer is here and its signs are everywhere!
1) Liver? What is that?
The amount of alcohol you have consumed within the first couple of days following the last exam is
probably more than what you and your mates have drank your entire life (combined).
2) All your revision notes, calculators, notebooks, unnecessary amount of pens are disappeared
from your room.
3) You decided finally not to ignore all those Facebook invitations and viciously attend them all.
4) However, during the daytime you barely go out because you have some serious TV show catching up to do.
5) You re-start gym.
… Lol. At least in your head. That's something.
6) You are constantly making unrealizable dreams about summer.
And continuously adding to the list. An Himalaya escape followed by a week in Mykonos and then
tenting in another music festival is totally doable.
7) Whatever you do, you will just want a side of alcohol with that.
Gotta get back into pre-exam shape yo!